Nothing like having all of your house hold goods dropped off at once, over the holidays, and being left to put it all together with four little ones in tow. I am so grateful though, I learned quite a few things over the course of the last move, so next time I will be a lot more prepared. Things are moving along nicely. I cannot even begin to get into full time sewing again, until everything else in our house is in order, and with a large renovation to our home coming up, that may take some time. I am still learning and growing as an artist however. I seriously love what I do, and even when I have time to chill, it is somehow related to sewing or my business. I sew because I love it, and that is my driving force. Once I sat at my machine again, and started to piece things together, I was able to take a deep breath...It is that relaxing to me.
I sold a skirt to Germany during my vacation mode, and as I sat down to make it last night, I realized that my customer was a size I cannot accommodate presently. I apologized and sent her a full refund. She sent me a message today telling me that she loves the skirt so much that she still wants to order it, (in the largest size that I make). Even if that means losing weight to wear it. How awesome is that? Something in my store might be "that clothing" that someone works out and gets into shape to fit into...
Coming from someone who works out regularly, and wanted to be a personal trainer at one point in her life. I find that absolutely amazing....
Here is the skirt that she is a reversibly wrap skirt...

Happy Thursday!