sooo, if you were a faithful reader, I am sorry about not blogging for a bit, we had a HUGE event in our family with my husband coming from deployment. Because of all of his leave saved up he was able to take off about 40 days before returning to work this week. It is fun to play happy housewife again, and have a husband that comes home daily...Life is so much richer now...
Though I have not been blogging I have stayed super busy....
My gardens are going strong, and I am amazed...
Here is my super thirsty vegetable garden (plus blackberries). My husband built this garden box for me last night to frame it. |
Here is a red bush I put in the ground. The master plan is it to grow and cover the air conditioning unit. This year
I have been planting roses, and perennials, but now our focus is on landscaping. My husband is going to make a stone patio around all of this. |
cucumber flowers, We love cucumbers at our house. This year it looks like we are going to have a large crop. |
eggplant flowers, eggplant Parmesan??
I have also started to really love to coupon, I will post pictures of my coupon organizer in a later post.
Here is what I got at Walgreen's today for $12.00 with coupons!! |
my proud $12.00 stash. |
I love showing all of these deals to my husband...
brand loyal to this sunblock that sells between $12-13 each...With the sale at CVS, and coupons, I got each one for $5. |
and on a final note, I take a lot of pride of always staying on top of laundry with our family of six. I don't usually put my husbands clothes away, but today I wanted to get it all put away...I came to his shirt drawer, with my stack of "loosely" folded shirts, and found this...with my folding I could only get about half of those shirts in there...I am certain this is a by-product of him living on a submarine for six months...
so, with all of that said, it feels great to be blogging again!!
Happy Thursday!! |